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GoTravelhome and sustainability

GoTravelhome is part of Travelhome BV.

Our mission statement

Travelhome BV's mission is to provide its travelers with exceptional travel experiences. The goal is not only to enrich the lives of our travelers, but also to contribute to the preservation and protection of the planet and the well-being of the people we meet; People, Planet, Peace, Prosperity & Partnership. We consider sustainability not as a final destination, but as a beautiful journey, a continuous process of development. Travelhome BV takes its responsibility in this process of sustainability seriously and strives to minimize the negative impact on the environment, climate and destinations while promoting positive impact on the environment and destinations.

Our Vision

We envision a world where sustainability is the norm, sustainability as outlined in the UN's 17 Sustainability Development Goals. This requires creating awareness and formulating actions. We distinguish two levels:

  • Internal; within Travelhome BV itself
  • External; the travelers of Travelhome BV, the suppliers of Travelhome BV and the tourism industry.

Through a sustainability policy we want to make the company and its internal and external processes more sustainable. This sustainability policy includes the goals, means and action points and a periodic evaluation. If and where necessary, the policy will be adjusted.

In addition, through informing and facilitating travelers and employees on the one hand, and selecting suppliers and travel components based on sustainability criteria on the other, we want to positively influence demand; ensuring that travelers and employees are not only aware of the impact on the environment and communities being visited, but actively seek opportunities and experiences that contribute to improvement, conservation, cultural exchange and positive social change. Within the industry, we share our experiences and knowledge with other travel companies.

Our values

  • Always be evolving
  • Striving for improvement
  • Putting quality above quantity
  • Achieve more together
  • Taking many small steps
  • Doing what we promise
  • Paying sincere attention to others
  • Trusting ourselves

Better Holidays: Travelhome BV and responsible tourism

In putting together our trips we take into account people, environment, nature and culture, so that the vacation is not only special for you, but that future generations can also enjoy attractive destinations. Whether it is vacations where you are active in unspoiled nature, experience local culture, meet new people or taste a delicious traditional dish; together we work on vacations that contribute positively to destinations and provide beautiful unique experiences for the traveler. Sustainable developments at the destination are of great importance for the future, for you as a traveler and for the people living at the vacation destination.

Reducing ecological footprint and increasing positive impact

Travelhome BV is aware of the negative impact of travel on the climate, nature and the environment. It is also good to emphasize the positive side of travel such as the economic progress of destinations, the physical and mental health of the traveler (who also learns more about other cultures with their religion, traditions and customs) and the protection of nature at the destinations. Travelhome BV intends to minimize the negative impact and increase the positive impact.

Well prepared and aware on your trip

Your advisor likes to inform, advise and inspire. We offer our clients alternatives with less CO2 emissions in terms of transport, accommodation and excursions on the one hand and on the other hand with as much positive impact on the destination as possible. These include transportation by train instead of plane, an electric rental car, staying in an eco-lodge run by the local community and a bicycle excursion to explore a city. Our suppliers are encouraged and motivated to design their operations as responsibly and sustainably as possible. This involves looking at various criteria including protection of nature and culture, energy and water consumption, health and hygiene, working conditions and circumstances, local management and training, local sourcing, use of organic products and materials, waste disposal, plastic use and safety.

We ask you to travel consciously. Feel free to ask us about your options.

You have decided to go on vacation, to travel. What choices can you make?

  • Travel duration and period - choose a longer stay instead of an extra vacation and travel in the early or late season if possible. A city trip can be very well combined with a tour or beach vacation and really completes the experience of a destination.
  • Preparation - read up on the destination and learn more about its culture and traditions, religion and customs. Prepare well and get the necessary travel documents, vaccinations and insurance and pack your suitcase well in advance. Take only what is really necessary appropriate to the destination and type of trip. Avoid hibernation and unplug all plugs when traveling.
  • Transportation - choose an alternative to flying whenever possible. Fly anyway? Then choose a direct flight on a newer aircraft and book economy class. In addition, travel to the airport by public transportation. Locally, choose routes by train, electric rental car or public transportation, biking and hiking. There is more to see by land than on a domestic flight! Make fun stops along the way from A to B instead of day excursions and travel slow for an authentic experience and valuable perception.
  • Lodging - opt for a simpler small-scale accommodation with label and sustainable policies. Locally run, with good working conditions and fair earnings for staff. Preferably not located in a fragile location and instead built in a traditional style with sustainable materials. When you leave your room, turn off the lights and air conditioning, opt for a shower instead of a bath and don't let water run unnecessarily. By using the towels more than once and not having the room cleaned daily also contribute positively.
  • Care - choose lodging or bed and breakfast. Lunch and dine at local restaurants, have a picnic and enjoy a delicious organic vegetarian meal. Even more fun, join a local family after visiting the market and truly experience a destination! Prefer the convenience of half-board or all-inclusive? Then choose a-la-carte instead of a buffet, with organic products from the region and the season, have a little less meat and enjoy local (not imported) drinks.
  • Activities - choose excursions without (contact with) animals, culturally protected heritage, in small groups and with reliable local and trained guides. Observe wild life from an appropriate distance and always follow the guide's instructions. Opt for (electric) cycling, hiking and non-motorized (water) sports. Canoe instead of jet ski, mountain bike instead of quad bike.
  • Reduce and offset emissions - limit the impact of the trip on climate and air by reducing and offsetting emissions.

Reduce footprint.

The amount of CO2 emissions is increasing every year and contributing to global warming. Climate change, along with air pollution around the world, affects nature, our health and safety, and the availability of food and water. And that has many implications for the future of vacation destinations. The negative impact of travel can be reduced through making the aforementioned conscious choices. Travelhome BV offers the opportunity to reduce and offset emissions.

Biodiversity & Carbon Credits

Travelhome BV offers the option to invest in Biodiversity & Carbon Credits in one of Life Terra Foundation's EU subsidized projects in Europe. This way the CO2 emissions from the flight, a large part of the trip or the whole trip can be compensated. The contribution ensures restoration and climate proofing of natural areas and forests, support of local communities (responsible regenerative agriculture), increasing biodiversity and education in schools to increase children's involvement with nature. Feel free to ask us for more information and a proposal.

Increasing the handshake

Travel also has a positive impact, research has shown that it improves health and leads to greater understanding and knowledge of diverse cultures, beliefs and traditions. It also provides income at destinations and raises awareness and sustainability worldwide.

Set a good example; For example, bring your own soap and shampoo and leave those minis, be economical with clean drinking water, use towels more than once and dispose of trash neatly. In addition, use as little plastic as possible; bring a reusable water bottle with filter from home and a foldable cloth bag. It is increasingly possible to separate waste at the destination. In addition, try to avoid disposable packaging as much as possible and pay attention to the packaging material in your purchases. These are just a few examples of small things with a big effect, especially if everyone does it.

Don't take pictures with animals; It is still common for tourists at vacation destinations to have their picture taken with monkeys or other exotic animals. It is good to know that to keep the animals calm, they are often drugged and mistreated. Therefore, never take pictures with wild animals. Should the hotel offer or allow this "service," complain to the hotel management on the spot and report the incident to the local agent. We do not offer excursions with animals and only respectful nature with reputable guides and experienced rangers. We are happy to advise you which sanctuaries you should and should not visit. We also do not offer camel rides and donkey rides up a mountain. Many of these animals are poorly cared for and die much sooner than if they were not used within tourism.

Share experience and knowledge and take action; Let the employee in the hotel and the guide/driver know how the stay or excursion was experienced and mention points of improvement in terms of sustainability. In particular, share the positive experiences on social media. Participate in a beach clean up or take the initiative yourself. Visit a certified community project, conservation project or animal shelter, actively help or donate. Volunteering for a day or more is not only a special experience but you are also contributing positively.

Plan; Avoid the busiest places at the busiest times of the day and visit the less discovered places and alternatives to the well-known cities and beaches. In doing so, you ensure conservation of heritage, spread of income and most importantly, you yourself enjoy an often more authentic experience.

Eat and buy local; eat and buy as much local produce as possible from smaller stores, restaurants and markets. Not only do you support local communities by doing this, you also reduce carbon emissions by enjoying seasonal produce that doesn't need to be transported much, if at all. For the most treasured memory, choose a useful souvenir made from natural materials, handcrafted and locally produced. Buying locally made souvenirs makes an important contribution to the local economy and employment. Just be careful not to buy souvenirs made from endangered animals and plants (such as parrot feathers, various shells, animal skins but also seeds). By doing so, you are helping to stop the illegal trade. Moreover, importing these souvenirs is punishable in the Netherlands. For more information, visit or download a handy app here. For the list of protected species click here.

Show respect for local people, religion, traditions and customs. Engage in conversation with the people and show genuine interest. For example, learn a few words in the spoken language of the country you are visiting. When you are open and show respect for local people, it contributes to unique experiences and to the preservation of cultures and traditions. Adjust your clothing where necessary and only photograph people who appreciate it. We offer in most destinations the opportunity to really get to know the people in a responsible way, for example by eating (and cooking) with a family. Ask about the possibilities, you support the local economy and in many cases also the development of women.

Combating sexual exploitation of children

We actively support ANVR and Defence for Children - ECPAT in the fight against child exploitation in vacation countries. We invite you to be alert with us and report suspicions of child abuse at

ANVR Travel Conditions

GoTravelhome, part of Travelhome B.V. (KvK no. 30147625), is a member of the Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging van Reisondernemingen (ANVR no. 05744) and the association of ANVR Travel Organizers. This association maintains strict standards for membership and promotes the quality of trips and information about them. The trips on this website are offered under the ANVR Travel Conditions (Travel and/or Booking Conditions and/or Linked Travel Package Conditions) which apply to all offers on this website unless expressly stated otherwise. Click here to read and save the ANVR Travelers' Conditions and other important information. The ANVR Travelers' Conditions (Travel Conditions and/or Booking Conditions and/or Linked Travel Package Conditions) apply to every booking. You will receive these conditions upon booking, including the conditions for changes and cancellation, the procedure for complaints and disputes and other rights, obligations and important ANVR information.

Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden

GoTravelhome, part of Travelhome B.V. (KvK no. 30147625) is affiliated with SGR. You can check this via SGR. Within the limits of the SGR-guarantee arrangement( the trips published in this program/on this website (bold what is applicable) are covered by the SGR-guarantee. This SGR guarantee means that the consumer is assured that his prepaid travel money will be refunded if the other party cannot fulfill the agreed performance due to financial insolvency. Insofar as the agreement includes transportation and the destination has already been reached, the return trip will be taken care of.

Calamity Fund

GoTravelhome, part of Travelhome B.V. (Chamber of Commerce no. 30147625) is affiliated with the Travel Calamity Fund Foundation. The guarantee of the Calamity Fund means that you, as a traveler who participates in a trip to which the guarantee applies, will receive: - (part of) your travel sum back if we cannot execute the trip or cannot execute it in full due to a calamity; - the necessary additional costs will be reimbursed if we have to adjust the trip due to a calamity or if we have to repatriate you early. A disaster is defined as an abnormal event caused by acts of war or natural disasters.

View the general travel conditions + ANVR 2024