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Rental companies

GoTravelhome has years of experience in renting motorhomes in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada. We enjoy traveling in these countries ourselves and know many motorhomes from personal experience.

On our website you will find many different rental companies in these countries. We have been working with most of them for many years and can therefore give you excellent advice about the different motorhome models. Not every motorhome is suitable for every trip, but for every trip you can find a suitable motorhome.

America Packages

Just as important as the motorhomes themselves are the packages you can choose with a vehicle. In the U.S. and in Canada, every RV rental is something of a puzzle. On the one hand, you choose a vehicle where the most influential factor is usually the number of people, traveling in the motorhome and thus determining the length of the vehicle. Just as important as the vehicle itself are the number of miles or kilometers to be driven and the equipment. All this you need to rent, resp pay separately in America.

Packages Australia and New Zealand

In Australia and New Zealand, almost all motorhomes include unlimited mileage and equipment is often included in the rental as well. Here you can choose between a larger or smaller motorhome, with or without plumbing, and in Australia there are also 4WD motorhomes for rent. You can see vehicle details and rental conditions at the motorhomes themselves and on the rental companies' pages. For some brands, you can get an online quote. Is the desired vehicle not listed? Send us an email or call us so we can still make you an offer.