Why book with us ?
No hidden costs
At GoTravelhome there are no hidden costs. All expected costs are clearly indicated on the offer. Some amounts are in Euro and some in the currency of the country concerned. Some parts/costs are fixed and are also shown as such on the quote. With many parts you have a choice, these can be adjusted in the quotation. This way you will always see the total rental price.
The amounts in Euro must be paid before departure by bank in the Netherlands. The amounts in foreign currency must be paid on the spot by credit card.
How can I get a quote?
You can request a free, no-obligation motorhome quote on our site. You will receive the quote(s) within seconds in your inbox as a pdf attachment to the email.
This e-mail also contains a link to the quotation list. Clicking on this link will take you back to the quotation list. At customize/book you can customize the quote to your liking (e.g. choice of insurance options and additional rental items) and then save.
How can I book a vehicle?
If the offer is completely to your liking, you can book the offer by indicating at the very bottom, that you agree with the terms and conditions and by entering the name of the main driver. Availability is usually on request. We would also like to receive the departure date from the Netherlands and the postal address in order to send the documents.
You can also send us an e-mail with your wishes concerning your motorhome rental. We will then send you a free quote without any obligation. Of course you can also call and ask for a quotation by phone.
How can I get more advice about my trip?
You can always email questions to us or call us Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. - 020 205 09 86.
I have booked a vehicle, what happens now?
GoTravelhome immediately contacts the rental company to book the vehicle. The availability is on request.
If the desired vehicle is available on the requested dates, the booking is final and binding. We will send you the confirmation/invoice and information about the motorhome. Upon receipt of this confirmation, you are required to pay a deposit of 15% of the travel price plus the reservation fee.
The rest of the amount is due 6 weeks before departure. After that we will send you the voucher(s). You will receive the vouchers approx. 2 weeks before departure from the Netherlands.
The desired vehicle is not available, what now?
If the desired type or dates are not available, we will immediately offer an alternative. You then have the choice to book this alternative.
Do I need a special drivers license to drive a motorhome?
All drivers of a rental motorhome or car in Australia and New Zealand must have a driver's license B and an international driver's license. This is available from the ANWB. Both licenses must be presented at take over.
In the United States and Canada you must have a B driver's license. An international driver's license is not required. Exception: Apollo USA does require an international driver's license if the original is not in English.
I am not yet 21 years old / just got my driver's license, can I rent a motorhome ?
For most rental companies, the minimum age is 21. However, there are exceptions - at Hippie camper and certain models of Mighty, rental is possible from the age of 18, sometimes with different insurance conditions. Check the relevant rental company's page.
Apollo and CheapaCampa (all countries) allow rentals as young as 21, but each driver must have held a driver's license for at least 2 years.
At Road Bear (US), drivers between the ages of 21 and 25 must be pre-approved by the rental company. Maximum age here is 79.
Do we have to stay in a hotel after arrival or can we pick up the motorhome right away?
In North America you are required to spend at least one night in a hotel before driving the motorhome.
In Australia and New Zealand you can pick up your motorhome the same day (if opening hours allow) although for security reasons we do not recommend it if you are arriving directly from Europe.
Is the motorhome brought to the airport on request?
No. All motorhomes must always be picked up and returned at the rental company's depot during regular business hours. Most rentals are near the international airport of the respective city. There are also exceptions, which are several miles from the airport/city. So always keep in mind the transfer time and transfer costs.
We would like to travel with our children for a few weeks. Shall we rent a motorhome ?
Yes! The easiest way to travel with children under 12 (and also older) in countries like Australia, New Zealand or across North America is with a motorhome. The motorhome becomes like the "home" for the little ones. They know where they sleep, eat and where their closet is with their stuff. Much easier for them (and for the parents) than with a car and every few days in a different hotel/motel.
We have a lot of experience traveling with small and bigger kids and are happy to advise on options. See also the diary of Lisa, who traveled from Brisbane to Cairns (destinations/Australia).
What is the best motorhome rental with children?
The easiest way is to rent a motorhome where the children are not seated in the back seat, but where they are within easy reach while driving, and where you have good sight and can talk easily. Please note that not all motorhomes can accommodate child seats!
Which child seat should I rent?
In Australia and New Zealand: When renting a motorhome, please inform us of the age and weight of the child so that we can reserve the appropriate seat.
North America: Many rental companies do not provide child seats due to liability concerns. You can bring your own seat or buy (usually for little money) locally at the local Walmart, toys r us etc.
GoTravelhome only reserves child seats through the respective motorhome rental company.
We would like to travel independently, do we need to book the campsites in advance ?
In all countries, around holidays, during local school vacations and local holidays and festivals, it is highly recommended to book the campsites in advance. This applies to all vehicles but especially to large (long) motorhomes.
In America, during school vacations, it is almost impossible to find a spot in the National Parks without a reservation. Always book these campsites well in advance or move out to a campsite in a National Forest etc.
However, the best spots and the most beautiful campsites fill up quickly even at other times during peak season. But then it usually suffices to call a day in advance or in the morning. Arriving in the afternoon without a reservation often means that there is no nice spot left or no spot at all.
GoTravelhome does not make reservations for camping sites. You can easily do that yourself on the website of the respective organizations.
What do I need a generator for and is it necessary to purchase the use in advance?
In North America many vehicles have a generator to generate power. You will only need the generator if you are not at a campground with electricity or if you have a lot of electrical appliances running at the same time (such as microwave ovens, air conditioners and hair dryers).
If there is no power from outside, air conditioner and microwave won't work and there is no power in the sockets.
According to our experience, for two nights you will be fine without external power (battery only). Whether you need a generator depends on the camping sites you choose and consumption at a peak time.
Do I need a credit card to book a motorhome and how is that for the deposit?
A credit card is not necessary to book the motorhome. Payment can easily be made via IDEAL.
A credit card is required when picking up the motorhome. The deposit must be paid by credit card. Depending on the insurance chosen, sometimes this is just a printout of the credit card and sometimes a write-off of several thousand dollars. Always pay close attention to the insurance terms of the particular rental company.
The holder of the credit card must be present at takeover and ride in the motorhome.
Is the limit of the credit card not enough for the deposit? At the bank, you can often raise the credit card limit for the duration of the trip.
Can you go to America without vaccination?
Yes, traveling to America without vaccination is possible as of Thursday, May 11. On this date, the vaccination requirement to America expires. It is therefore possible to travel to America without vaccination. You can travel to America without vaccination.